Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where's God When I'm Scared?!

I do not know if any of you have seen the Veggietales Episode with that title, but I have! It was a good episode that taught children that God was bigger than any of their fears (He is the biggest afterall) and that He will protect them from harm. This is a good reminder for adults too because even people who are older than 10 face fears and challenges in life that are too big for them to handle- but not too big for God.

Back Story
So last night I was helping out one of the camp sites at the summer camp that I am working at this summer. This particular camp site was in the middle of the woods and is designed for the participants to have a complete outdoor experience. Because they needed someone over 18 there to cover for someone else, I graciously took the job and stayed there from 9:30p.m. to 11:00p.m.

The camp fire was great and I enjoyed 2 smores during it. The participants and counsellors sang numerous camp fire songs and it was fun! At 11 I left just as it started to rain heavily. Now, I was walking alone with a very small flashlight in a pitchblack forest... Yeah, my nerves were a little on end.
So, I started to sing the musical number from that Veggie Tales Episode:
God is bigger than the boogie man
He's bigger than Godzilla or the monster's on TV
Oh God is bigger than the boogey man
And He's watching out for you and me!

However, those lyrics did not help at all! So, after a bit I started singing one of the songs I learned in Sunday School:
God is good,
God is kind,
God is loving all the time,
Loving you, loving me.

That eventually evolved into me praising God for all of His attributes and quoting from Revelation and other Scriptures. You know, it wasn't until the shift focused from God looking out for me to God alone I did not feel so afraid anymore. I just wanted to worship my Creator in all His glory and my circumstance shrank as a result. Oh yeah, and the rain started to die down too!

Lesson to be Learned
I thought, huh....Maybe that is how I move a mountain that is blocking my path. If I focus on God and not on the mountain

Why? Because the Bible already tells us we are under God's protection and that God is always with us. Therefore, I do not need to pray for those things because I already have them. So, God wants me to move on from a Veggie Tales' faith to the Written Word as my foundation faith. And the best way to do that is through reading the Word and prayer. Which is what I did last night when I combined the two. Makes me glad that my Bible reading and studying was not done in vain!

  1. Because the Bible says that we already have God's protection, we do not need to pray for it because it is already ours
  2. Instead of comparing the size of the problem to God, we should focus entirely on God- especially when we are afraid
  3. The best way to be prepared for circumstances like mine or whatever you are going through is impportant to know the written Word of God so that when Satan, the world, or even yourself starts telling you lies you can capture the lies and defeat them with truth.


One of my favourite Christian authors is Sharon Jaynes. One of her books is Becoming a Woman Who Listens to God. I bought the book at the beginning of May. It is a good book and it really opened my eyes to how God speaks to me. However, the common method is that if a person thinks God is talking to them, besides through the Bible, it must always be interpretted through the Bible and not the other way around. Everything from my thoughts and words to what I hear coming from other people must be interpretted through the Word. Thankfully Sharon's book teaches us how to Listen and her newest book I'm Not Good Enough...And Other Lies Women Tell Themselves is also another great tool!

Man...Sharon Jayne is one of my favourite authors. God really helped her to reach women of all ages to teach people the Word of God. She really is a mother of many spiritual children in God's earth.

  1. Sharon Jayne's Website
  2. Sharon is also one of the three authors of Girlfriends in God, an email devotional that I get from Monday to Friday in my email!
  3. Sharon Jayne's Facebook page and Fan group

1 comment:

Sharon Jaynes said...

Hi Sweet friend! Thank you for mentioning my books!
Sharon Jaynes