Monday, October 20, 2008

I can't watch Dragon's Den Until Tomorrow!!

You know what really sucks? There is a show that is on on Mondays on CBC at 8:00pm that I cannot watch until tomorrow online!!!

Why can't I watch it on TV? Because I do not have access to a TV with access to cable or sattellite :(. Sigh, to me that is not fair!

I did go ot their website though and get a preview of all of the pitches. I think one of them is flawed because pitch is a company that designs work clothes specifically to women. My problem? Well, I think Mark Works Warehouse already does just that, because they sell jeans and other clothes designed for the job market specifically. So, I think the people making the pitch stole their idea. I cannot wait to watch the episode tomorrow evening and see if they all agree with me!!!

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